One big project and several small ones

I think I'm doing pretty well with the monthly project goals.  In January I learned a tremendous amount about Excel and census data.  I have read 3-4 books.  I've gotten back into daily writing and I am reading a script a night.  

But I think adding a big project as a north star will help steer my work a bit better.  I don't want to only do a big project but I think if I have a big project then I can work hard on something big and appreciate the little steps along the way.

So my big goal for this year is to see my short film come to fruition this summer.  I plan to produce my film.  The goal is to film in august.  I will fund the film and do what it takes for it to come to fruition.  

I can use this overarching goal to help me focus my monthly project goals.  My writing will hopefully be more consistent if I know that I am doing something in august.  Having an august goal will also help me figure out how to storyboard in that time.  

Towards the goal of filming.  In the next six months I will:

  • Write another episode of my show
  • Read a script a night to help improve my script writing technique
  • Write two pages a day of my screenplays or two pages a day of fiction depending on how I am doing.
  • Watch videos on storyboarding so that I can storyboard my script

I will do my own school stuff and continue my writing.  I know that I am very likely going overboard but right now