Failing Mar 16, 2022 Failing I am not writing weekly on this blog. I think I need to figure out why I am not doing something I claimed I want
One big project and several small ones Feb 15, 2022 One big project and several small ones I think I'm doing pretty well with the monthly project goals. In January I learned a tremendous amount about Excel and census data.
What is "authenticity"? Feb 15, 2022 What is "authenticity"? I asked my students in a thought experiment to pretend that they had an extravagant, but not unlimited amount of money. I think the term
Dec 27, 2021 Woke Racism - a Review John McWhorter starts off with a bang - the current state of the far left is that it has been taken over by an evangelical
Taking stock of 2021 Dec 21, 2021 Taking stock of 2021 I've informally taken stock at the end of the year for awhile now. I try to focus on my personal accomplishments. Not that