Dec 21, 2021 A jab in disguise It's kind of fascinating to watch yourself change from a metacognitive standpoint. As a kid you are changing all the time but you
Dec 10, 2021 Art Project - Embryology I remember when I interviewed to work at my school. As my future boss explained to me about how much art is involved in the
Dec 7, 2021 Living a project based life Every month the students at my school do a "main lesson". The idea of the main lesson is that students spend their morning,
Nov 24, 2021 "Show Your Work!" - Review My first book review covering "Show your work!" by Austin Kleon. This book inspired this blog.
Nov 23, 2021 First Post - what is my why? The last 4-5 years have been, without a doubt, the most rewarding years of my adult life. I love my family with all my heart