Dec 5, 2023 Remembering Mr. Schwartz and reflecting on the immortality of great teachers Mr. Schwartz passed away earlier this week. I want to take a moment to honor a great teacher and think about his legacy. I do
Nov 23, 2023 Week 15 Carnivore Diet blog - thoughts expanded I've been exploring a carnivore diet for the past 3-4 months as part of my efforts to lose weight and achieve optimal health.
Nov 18, 2023 Building bridges with your ideological opponent is the best thing you can do to promote peace Below is an essay that was originally published on David Lange is a proud Zionist from Australia who moved to Israel and writes
Nov 16, 2023 Why drawing is among the most useful tools for learning anything I tell students at the beginning of the school year that science is a descriptive discipline. The goal of a scientist is to see phenomena
Nov 4, 2023 junk food/info vs nourishing food/wisdom I've been reading up on homesteading lately... or what most people called "living" for most of human history, at least outside