Oct 23, 2023 Useful tools in cleaning your digital life Just like your room will get messier due to entropy, so too will your digital life get messier without energy placed towards addressing it. In
Oct 9, 2023 Six benefits to posting content on YouTube that don't involve making money I started making YouTube videos fairly consistently in 2023. Selim.DigitalI have a strong passion for the concept of never ending self improvement. I think
Aug 17, 2023 The Slight Edge - Book Review This above quote by Emerson sums up what the author, Jeff Olson, spends about 275 pages exploring in The Slight Edge: Turning simple disciplines into
May 1, 2023 Our national obsession with college has eroded the value of high school as an institution. This is an expanded version of the essay that I published recently with the Heterodox Academy. It was edited to fit their word count. Below
Mar 20, 2023 Rene Girard and the Theater of Envy. The concept of Mimetic Desire - the most important literary concept I had never heard of. I need to write about Rene Girard and the concept of mimetic desire. I am going to fail to adequately explain this concept as I