Mar 13, 2023 The Winter's Tale and the role jealousy plays in self destruction The Gist Leontes, the king of Sicilia, has kept Polixines, the king of Bohemia and his best friend, as a guest for the better part
Mar 6, 2023 Why I am less annoyed about James Bond edits than I was about the Roald Dahl edits I don't quite understand why the edits to Roald Dahl's book's annoyed me but editing James Bond doesn'
Feb 20, 2023 The Martian Chronicles - poignant science fiction short stories by Ray Bradbury I think the short story and Science Fiction are perfect for each other. Nothing against long form science fiction; I have read the Dune Saga
Feb 16, 2023 A review of Shakespeare's Timon of Athens. The moral value of money and talent. The Gist Timon is, to all appearances, an exceedingly wealthy Athenian man. He is also extremely generous with his wealth. He loves to party and
Feb 10, 2023 Masterclass Review - "Intuitive Cooking" by Roy Choi Instructor(s): Roy Choi Class Length: 21 video lessons (4 hours 22 minutes) Rating: 5/5 for novice cooks, 4/5 for anyone with cooking